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    Slim Wave uses EMS (electro muscle stimulation) technology. EMS enables natural exercise safely and effortlessly to create slenderness, inch loss, firmness and strength. The treatment also stimulates the body’s natural fat burning and toning process helping to give you a body that is not only lean and firm but healthy too!

    With Slim Wave we can target specific areas of the body (working several areas at one time) to get the results that you want. The stimulation from the electrical current also increases circulation of the skin. Thereby improving texture and tone as well as reducing the appearance of cellulite.


    What is truly impressive about the Slimwave treatment is that it targets specific body areas as it accelerates weight loss. The cleverly designed programs keeps the skin toned and helps to prevent sagging during the process. It is a powerful, safe, painless alternative to drugs or surgery that allows you to achieve results rapidly with no downtime. The soothing electro-stimulation treatment is beneficial to all muscle groups because as it breaks up fat and speeds up the metabolism, it also tones and firms areas like the abdominal muscles, glutes, legs, thighs, knees, “love handles or muffin tops” and arms.


    The Slimwave treatment has the same effect as a full session with a trainer. One hour of electro-therapy is like doing 600 sit ups, 600 push-ups and 600 leg lifts together. Our 45-minute session can burn up to a 1000 calories! When used in combination a healthy diet, this program can be exceptionally effective.


    The stimulation through electrodes will boost lymphatic drainage and circulation, which is vital for breaking down fat deposits, the reduction of excess fluids and flushing out toxins. This combination results in healthier looking, vibrant skin. Slimwave can, over time break down the trapped fibrous barrier and help drain it away, returning the elasticity to the skin and tissue that has been affected.


    There is no strain on your joints as you don’t use any weights during your workout. The intensity of a Slimwave treatment is regulated through electro stimulation, whereas conventional weight training is carried out by heavy weights or high impact running or jumping which can cause strain and injury if you don’t maintain the correct posture and coordination. Slimwave is not dependent on weights or high impact training, so the risks of strain and injury are therefore greatly reduced which makes Slimwave is the ideal workout for older people or people with joint problems and injuries.